History of One and All Arden Hills
Our group began as concerned neighbors joining together after the murder of George Floyd to process the raw pain unveiled in our city. We wanted to identify local initiatives that would create a more socially just, inclusive community in Arden Hills. Twenty-seven of the 55 households in the neighborhood accepted the invitation to participate. We decided on four areas of focus:
self-growth through reading, workshops, and discussion
engagement and support of education equity in the Mounds View School District
increasing access to affordable housing*
informed participation in local, state, and national elections
Our group has been meeting consistently since the summer of 2020 reading books, inviting experts and elected officials to speak, supporting local candidates, participating in City Council meetings, interviewing human rights commissions from other cities, and developing a plan to impact affordable housing. We hope to connect with and welcome more Arden Hills residents who want to partner with our vision. The name by which we chose to identify ourselves pairs our individual commitment to growth (One) with our deep desire to create an inclusive, just, equitable community (ALL).